Issue 401
Issue 401
Still Hazy After All These Years
Growing up in my dad’s woodworking shop, one of the things that I did not appreciate nearly enough was the full-size spray booth that we had on-site. My first job in the shop was as the “sanding boy,” taking over a job that none of the cabinetmakers had any interest in. My second job was as a finisher (another job that was not high in the woodworking hierarchy). I actually liked the job (except for the time I sprayed only one side of about 50 Masonite doors and then left for the day — looking at 50 warped doors the next morning was a bit of a downer), and took pride in making our stuff look good.
These days, I don’t have a spray booth or the attendant professional setup that went with it. I don’t have need of one often, but when I do, I really miss it. I manage by using various non-spray finishes, but the longing remains. Which brings me to my question: how many of you have a spray booth (permanent or portable), and how often do you use it? This woodworker wants to know.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Today's Woodworker
Logan and Sam Leppo: Making Wooden Toys for Homeless Kids
High school brothers Logan and Sam Leppo are expanding their efforts to make and donate wooden toys to homeless children.
Tricks of the Trade
How to Get More Use out of Foam Liners
Did you know that those dollar discount stores often sell foam liner for kitchen shelves that works every bit as well as the mats we buy for sanding or routing?
Getting a Better Grip on a Miter Gauge
The knobs on the miter gauges that come with many benchtop power tools are too short to grip comfortably, but they’re simple to customize.
What's In Store
DMT Sharpener Kit for Turners & Carvers
Three diamond cones and a flat diamond card will keep your carving and turning tools sharp.
Q & A
Keeping Purpleheart Purple?
Purpleheart turns brown when I sand or turn it. How can I prevent that from happening?
Reader's Project Gallery
Equestrian Tack Box
Received a call from someone who has seen some of my work and was asked to make a Tack Box for her equestrian needs.
400 … and Many More!
Readers respond to 400 eZines, Rob’s demos in California.