Bumblechutes Food-safe Finish Options
Bumblechutes’ Woodworker’s Oil and All-In-One Wood Conditioner are ideal for kitchenware.
Back to Basics: Milk Paint
A variety of rich colors, matte sheen and surprising durability make this finish popular.
Clapham’s Beeswax Salad Bowl Finish
Clapham’s Beeswax Finish is as simple a recipe as a wood finish can ever be!
Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C
This hard wax finish has been making waves in the woodworking world with its single-coat application and coloring process.
Sam Maloof Poly/Oil Finish
Achieve a legendary woodworker’s finishing results on your interior projects with this grain-enhancing, satiny topcoat from Rockler.
Walrus Oil Cutting Board Oil
Here’s an easy-to-apply, easy-to-renew finish that’s food-safe and made from products you won’t need a chemistry degree to understand.
VIDEO: Fixing Ammonia Fuming Effects on Sapwood
Chris Marshall explains ammonia fuming for oak and what to do if sapwood creates some different coloration from the heartwood.
Six Simple Finishes
Six examples of simple finishes that anyone can use to enhance their next project.
Five Quick and Easy Woodturning Finishes
Whether you’re finishing spindles, bowls or treenware, here are some topcoat options you may have on hand already.
VIDEO: Favorite Woodturning Finishes
Ernie Conover shares his favorite wood finishes for woodturning and how to apply them to different types of projects.