Issue 314

Issue 314

The Heat is On!

Rob-Portrait351The painful truth is that I can be a bit of cheapskate. When I used to live in a big old 1906 vintage house, I would try to avoid starting the furnace until the end of October. Now, in Nashville, that’s not such a big deal, but in Minneapolis … my kids used to walk around wearing parkas and looks that could kill. But hey, they weren’t paying the gas bill! In my shop, I am lucky enough to have a gas boiler and hot water heat. But once again, my thrifty nature is at war with common sense. This year, I have managed to keep the annual propane purchase at bay with a series of stopgap measures well into November. However, with the mercury at 22˚ Fahrenheit this week, my will has weakened and the truck is on the way. Oh well; once the shop is warmed up, I will love it and make great use of it. Maybe I can start working on a solar heating plan for next year!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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