Issue 270

Issue 270

Watch a Good Work

Rob-Portrait351At an unholy hour Thursday morning, I will begin a pilgrimage to Chicago. The reason? Yours truly, along with Woodworker’s Journal field editor Chris Marshall and regular contributor George Vondriska, will be building a guitar this weekend, live on the Craftsman Experience.

We’ve set a lofty goal to finish our steel string guitar kit between Friday night and Sunday — because we’re building it for Guitars for Vets (G4V), an organization that donates guitars to veterans suffering from post-traumatic shock disorder.

This weekend’s plan, sponsored by Craftsman Tools, Woodworker’s Journal and WXRT radio, is to build the guitar and have it auctioned off to support the G4V program. As you watch the three of us (keep your “stooges” comments to yourself, thank you) live on the web, you can ask us questions as we build, and listen to the live music.

See you on the web!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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    Whither the Weather…

    In response to Rob’s editorial in the last eZine, which related Minnesota’s brief winter thaw — hopes that were then crushed by numerous inches of snowfall — eZine readers shared their own weather woes.

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