Issue 151
Issue 151
Coming Soon: Tool Geek Nirvana!
Some exciting things are happening in the woodworking world, and I for one can’t wait to see the chips start flying. If you click over to our Tool Preview story, you’ll read about a brand new line of tools that will be launched this summer. (Made by some good old boys who know what they are doing.) And any time you get a new player in the field, the established leaders often pick up their game a bit. The results? Nirvana for tool geeks like me, and good choices for tool users like you. And it is not just on the tool side of things where new products will be seen. Keep your eyes peeled for some cool new things right here in this eZine in the next few weeks. Like I said, when competition kicks in … the category leaders respond. I think you’ll like what the future will bring.
But don’t spend all your time looking ahead. Take a spin through this eZine and I know you will find fun, interesting and useful woodworking information … all at the click of a mouse. And you can’t beat that!
–Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
What's In Store
Steel City Tools: A New Stationary Power Tool Company
A new power tool is all that it takes to get my attention – present 30 new ones all at once and you’ve earned my undivided “deer in the headlights” attention.
Today's Woodworker
Giles Gilson: Renegade Paint Junkie
Imagine how wood turning and sculpture might look if made by a renegade paint junkie from a flash hot rod shop and you’ll have a sense of what comes from the fertile mind and deft hands of Giles Gilson.
Q & A
Change Router with 1/4″ Collet into 1/2″ Collet?
Is anything made that allows you to change a router with a quarter-inch collet into one with a half inch?
Gluing Up Box Joints
When making box joint drawers, how can you glue them up so that they stay square?
Bits for Sign Making
A woodworker gets a simple answer in his search for sign making bits.
Industry Interviews
Stewart-MacDonald: The Ultimate Luthier’s Toy Store Helps Wood Find Its Voice
Have you ever had a hankering to build a guitar, banjo, or mandolin, but were at a loss as to where to begin?
Will the Real Ironwood Please Stand Up?
A question in the last issue elicited the answer that “ironwood” is one of those terms that many locales use as a descriptor for one of their local woods.