Issue 123

Issue 123

Once More into the (Knee) Breeches

Rob-Portrait351A buddy of mine flew into town from Beaumont, Texas, just in time for the first of May. Of course when he got into Minneapolis it was snowing, but while he found that remarkable … we did not. In fact, that same morning while I was walking my dog, I saw several of my neighbors in overcoats and knee shorts. Common garb in these parts, but I have found this to be a puzzlement to those without relatives in prairie cemeteries.

Spring offers a return to garage workshops for many of us, a weather reprieve of significance. We may still be wearing long johns while we work, but our double doors are open, the tools are whining (and so are finicky neighbors).

Time to raise some sawdust before the fishing season adds another dilemma as to how I spend my time. Such sweet decisions.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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    Bow Saw Plans

    Last issue, we visited a web discussion on clamps made with black pipe, some of the problems it creates, and some solutions. That generated the following responses.