Issue 95

Issue 95

Someday I’m Gonna Build It!

Rob PortraitIn addition to wood, glue and shellac, dreams are the stuff that woodworking projects are made of. One aspect of woodworking that I really find satisfying is that there actually is something substantial at the end of my efforts. Something to hold, something – important or not – that did not exist before my inspiration, skill and sweat created it. To me, that is one of the truly common threads that connect this diverse craft we call woodworking. While I may never be inspired to build a tall clock with several thousand scroll sawn decorative parts … I can understand how another person would be. They may never want to build a guitar … something that fires my imagination.

The question that I am coming to is this: what is it that you really want to build? Maybe not now (maybe not ever), but in your mind you have already started the joinery. And what is it that makes it so interesting to you? The choice of wood, the complexity – its beauty or its utility? Send me your inspiration and we’ll share it; maybe it will inspire others.


— Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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