Issue 86

Issue 86

A Turn for the Better

Rob-Portrait351Two weeks ago I bought a lathe. I didn’t ease into it…I bought a 14″ iron bed, full-sized beauty. My boss helped me tote it home and then I told my wife about my new tool and how excited I was about it. For some inscrutable reason, she didn’t share my excitement or become all gushy in anticipation of impending masterpieces. After 24 years of marriage, she was not surprised or even upset by my workshop addition. And to tell you the truth, her non-reaction kind of took the wind out of my sails…for about an hour.

Turning is one of the few areas of woodworking where I am not very experienced. But that is about to change. I’m jumping in with both feet, and I’m not alone. A good number of woodworkers (especially boomers like me) are getting into turning. For that reason, I’m pleased to announce a new column in the Woodworker’s Journal print magazine. It’s a turning department written by Steve Blenk. Steve has over 30 years experience turning wood and I am so happy that he is writing for us now. I’m also looking forward to learning along with my readers.


– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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Q & A

  • A Protective Coating Over Tung Oil

    I am making two kitchen tables: one out of red oak, the other out of hard maple. I want the natural wood look with low gloss, so I plan on rubbing in quite a few coats of tung oil finish.

  • Anti-Freeze for Green Wood

    A few years back, I read an article in a woodworking magazine where anti-freeze was used to cure green wood. I can’t remember the procedure. Do you know anything about this?

  • Non-Standard Miter Cuts

    If I needed a 90 degree angle, I would cut two 45s, so with a 110 degree angle, I need to cut two 55s but my miter only allows up to a 45 degree cut. So how do I make this cut?

  • Router or Shaper

    I found several small shapers in the 1 to 1-1/2 hp range priced about the same as heavy-duty routers. Are these small shapers suitable for panel raising?

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    Wood Losing Color

    During a class on making segmented bowls, Bruce Ferguson learned that Bullfrog sunscreen had the highest UV rating. He also heard that the sunscreen goes on first, and the finish goes on when the sunscreen dries.