Issue 47

Issue 47

Electronic Feedback

About a year ago, I asked the Woodworker’s Journal eZine faithful about how you use the Web – specifically how you used it to enrich your love of woodworking. But a year is a long, long time in cyberspace. (Longer than dog years!) And the Internet is an evolving entity: a web page that is here today is out of date or gone tomorrow. I must say that I am proud of the eZine’s durability and expanding numbers. (It’s now three years old and there are almost 200,000 of you subscribers receiving the Zine in one form or another.)

So, once again I go to the wellspring of web knowledge and ask for enlightenment. How are you using the Internet to support your woodworking passion? Where do you spend your time online, and what interests you the most? Do you buy stuff on the web? Tools? Plans? Information? On a scale of 1-10 (ten being “indispensible”) what value do you give to the “advice” that woodworking forums provide?

Let me know, and I’ll share some of your answers on the reader’s response page. Your answers will also let me look at trends that will keep the eZine fresh and on track. Many of you commented favorably on our new HTML eZine letter. More snappy changes are in the works. As always, I look forward to your comments.

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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