Last week, Chris mentioned the hero status he attributes to “Mr. Safety Glasses” himself, Norm Abram. Several of you also have thoughts about this iconic woodworker and a certain Tool Time hero. – Editor
“Thanks for making sure Norm got mentioned. You’re right — we all owe him (and Russ Morash) a debt of gratitude for making woodworking accessible. I never missed an episode. Somewhere I have a box of all the “New Yankee” episodes saved on VHS tape. Newer episodes were saved to DVDs. It looks like most of the episodes are now available on YouTube, so maybe I can say goodbye to the tapes and the carefully preserved player. As you said, Norm built normal projects using normal materials and normal tools that were accessible to all of us. I will say his Timesaver was an exception. I lost my dream of duplicating his shop when I saw the price for one of those monsters. But otherwise, everything he did was something I could aspire to duplicate or translate to a project of my own choosing. I would also mention David Marks. His shows were also very informative and entertaining. Keep up the good work.” – Steve Dragg
“You are right on the money about Norm; too bad there aren’t shows like his today.” – Kenny Stevenson
“For me it is more like Tim Taylor. I spent two years constructing and perfecting a 28”-wide thickness sander. It was a beast. My two cents.” – RileyG