Reader Submitted
Sharing Holiday Shop Time
Readers share how they’ve spent holiday time with others in their shops.
Crosscut Sled Holster
This reader has an idea for a shop fixture to help him keep another shop necessity close at hand.
Rip Fence Stop Uses Rockler Clamp-It Square
This reader’s tip shows a simple and reusable table saw outfeed table stop is made with supplies you probably already have around the shop.
Readers Bid Rob Fond Farewells
Readers offer their well wishes to our publisher of 26 years.
Pen Show-and-Tell!
Readers share their love of pen-turning and some of their best pens.
Your Take on Maker Spaces
Readers share their insights about maker spaces.
In Praise of Parchment Paper
Need a non-stick glue-up surface for your next project? The perfect solution can be found in your kitchen.
Sealing Edges with Joint Compound
Aid your particleboard and MDF finishing with this reader’s tip for sealing the edges of your panels.
These New Tools Rule!
Readers offer their picks for the most game-changing tools.
Sizing Up Scraps
Readers offer suggestions for organizing and evaluating scrap lumber.