Carole Rothman: Woodworker’s Journal’s Scroll Saw Expert

Carole Rothman: Woodworker’s Journal’s Scroll Saw Expert

If you’ve flipped through a 2019 copy of the Woodworker’s Journal magazine print edition, you’ve likely noticed a new department. The author of the “Scroll Sawing” columns is scroll saw expert Carole Rothman, first featured in a Today’s Woodworker profile 10 years ago.

Carole has also authored several scroll saw project articles for Woodworker’s Journal in the past few years, including a Segmented Wavy Curved Bowl, a Gift Box and a spherical Ornament.

What else has she been up to in the past decade? Well, for one thing, she published a second book, Creative Wooden Boxes from the Scroll Saw, with Fox Chapel Publishing, which incorporates her background In cake decorating into a chapter titled “Fun with Food,” featuring boxes that look like cupcakes, apple pies and other baked goods.

A revised and updated edition of her first book, Wooden Bowls from the Scroll Saw, will be released later this spring, containing plans for nine new bowls, as well as information on new tools and techniques.

Carole’s also a regular blogger at and YouTuber at — as well as making occasional video contributions to Woodworker’s Journal.

Curious where it all started? You can read the original Today’s Woodworker feature profile here:

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