January/February 2020

January/February 2020 Issue Preview
One way to beat the mid-winder doldrums is to get out to the shop, crank up the heater and make something! To that end, the January/February issue of Woodworker’s Journal is dedicated to “back to the shop” project ideas and content.
Folding Shop Desk: Cramped workshops not only suffer shortages of floor-space but often counter space, too. This easy-to-build, hinging desk can give you a place to park your current project plans or take notes as you build. Its practicality could come in handy elsewhere around the house, too.
Tool Chest: Here’s a simple, contemporary solution for storing small hand tools or supplies that you can make in about a weekend without fancy joinery.
Raised Panel Cabinet: If you haven’t built a base cabinet in many moons (or ever!), this attractive project will help you brush up on some essential cabinetry techniques.
Woodturning: Ernie Conover, our expert woodturner, shows how to trick out your lathe with a turner’s gate and boring bars so you can excavate tall, hollow forms. If you can’t imagine how a laser could make your lathe better, here’s the proof!
Tool Tutorial: While sawing and chiseling are the traditional method for cutting dovetails, a well-engineered jig and a mid-size router can make quick work of the job, too. Our primer covers what to keep in mind when choosing and using a dovetail jig.
Tool Preview: Hybrid table saws cost much less than cabinet saws but offer many quality features that rival their more expensive cousins. Our publisher takes a closer look at Laguna’s F2 Table Saw — the latest hybrid on the block.
Hardworking Woods: New for 2020, this department spotlights wood species that deserve more than honorable mention in our projects. We kick off our series with a perennial favorite: black cherry.
Six Simple Finishes: Need a tried-and-true finishing regimen that showcases the beauty of highly figured wood? Our wipe-on recipe keeps the process easy and delivers spectacular results.
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More on the Web
VIDEO: Tips for Turning Hollow Form Vessels
Ernie Conover explains the differences between small and larger hollow form vessels.
VIDEO: Making a Set of Dominos
A CNC machine makes it fast and easy to make a set of dominos.
VIDEO: Routing Half Blind Dovetails with a Jig
Chris Marshall demonstrates his process for using a router to cut half-blind dovetails using Rockler’s Complete Dovetail Jig.
VIDEO: Stain Finish for Highly Figured Hardwood
Rob Johnstone explains the process for finishing highly figured hardwoods. Includes a step-by-step guide for preparing and applying the finish.
VIDEO: How to Make Raised Panel Doors Using a Table Saw
In this video we demonstrate how to do classic frame and panel construction using just a table saw. We even create raised panels to be used in a door and drawer front.
VIDEO: Organizing with Lock-Align System
Use the interlocking trays, bins and dividers to build a tidy grid of compartments that is customized not only to the size of your drawer, but also to the tools and hardware that you need to sort.
January/February 2020 What’s in Store Roundup
Take a closer look at the tools featured in the January/February 2020 What’s in Store, including offerings from Rockler, JET and Easy Wood Tools.