March/April 2019

March/April 2019 Issue Preview
In the March/April issue of Woodworker’s Journal, you’ll find options for putting your craftsmanship to work for your shop, your home – or your yard. A Folding Adirondack Chair offers improved storage for this classic outdoor piece, while a Weathered Wood Shelf and Mid-Century Modern Dresser provide easy-to-build accents for your home – or a loved one’s. Get back to basics in the shop by building your own Wooden Hand Plane, but don’t forget to take advantage of all the safety modern technology has to offer by learning about the best choice of dust collector to protect you from wood dust. If woodturning is your jam, you can learn a technique for turning bowls with a doughnut-shaped base; and, for the scroll sawyers among you, amaze your friends by creating three-dimensional objects via a compound cutting technique.
Folding Adirondack Chair: Chris Marshall’s update of the classic chair for outdoor relaxation adds an innovative twist for when it’s time to put the chair away: it folds flat for storage.
Wooden Hand Plane: Ever wanted to make your own hand plane? Starting with a chunk of wood and a piece of steel, Kimberly McNeelan walks you through the process for creating your own custom version of this shop classic.
Weathered Wood Shelf: Updated accents like black plumbing pipe supports and an easily applied finish that gives an “old” look to “new” wood add contemporary flair to this simple build.
Mid-Century Modern Dresser: Johnny Brooke milled up panels of walnut wood, then used rabbet and dado construction and brass pin accents to create this stylish storage piece.
Tool Tutorial: Don’t get left in the dust – learn from Sandor Nagyszalanczy all about what a dust collector does, why you need one, and which one is right for you.
Scroll Sawing: Compound cuts on a scroll saw create three-dimensional pieces for accents or other uses.
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Forging a Plane Iron
Kimberly McNeelan shares her experience creating a plane blade and the process to use to create a blade for a homemade plane.
VIDEO: Build a Folding Adirondack Chair
Learn how to build this folding adirondack chair project that is featured in the March/April 2019 issue of Woodworker’s Journal magazine.
Video: Building a Mid-Century Modern Dresser
Johnny Brooke built this dresser/changing table hybrid in expectation of his first child’s birth. Check out the process he used from start to finish.
VIDEO: How Dust Collection Works
Sandor Nagyszalanczy explains the ins and outs of dust collection systems and how they operate in this instructional video.
VIDEO: How to Make a Wall Shelf with a Weathered Wood Finish
Learn how to create a weathered wood look on fresh wood using Varathane Weathered Wood Accelerator Finish.
PROJECT: Scroll Sawn Corner Shelf
Try out the skills you’ve learned from Carole Rothman’s latest Scroll Sawing article with this plan for a Rose Inspired Scroll Sawn Corner Shelf.
VIDEO: Turning a Closed Form Bowl
Learn the basics of how to make a closed form bowl on the lathe. A closed form bowl has an interior that is bigger than the mouth opening.
March/April 2019 What’s in Store Round-up
Take a closer look at some of the cool new tools that were featured in the March/April 2018 issue of Woodworker’s Journal.