November/December 2018

November/December 2018 Issue Preview
You’ll find great gift ideas showcased in the projects found in the November/December issue. Whether your gift recipient is a cook who would love one or more of our Three Kitchen Gifts, a gamer who could play either side of our Reversible Gameboard, or an all-out decorator who will add our Holiday Spheres to the mix, you’ll find something for nearly everyone. We also have Turned Earrings for personal ornamentation and a showstopper of a Limbert Desk. Wrapping things up in the shop for the end of the year? Take stock of how you store your finishes, and find out what’s still going to be good going into January. Plus, learn all about the router – a tool that Chris Marshall claims could be of more use than a table saw.
Three Kitchen Gifts: Reward your hungry helpers this holiday season with accessories for some popular foods: a Pizza Peel, a Pizza Cutter and a Taco Holder.
Reversible Gameboard: Never lose your marbles – or your cribbage pegs – with this two-sided playing board, built for both mancala and cribbage, with a slide-out storage tray.
Limbert Desk Reimagined: An upsized version of a classic plan from an Arts and Crafts master, this desk will give your woodworking skills a workout.
Holiday Spheres: Use your scroll saw to cut the stacked rings and solid end pieces which are assembled into ornaments.
Doll Cradle: You’ll rock as the gift giver of this retro-inspired item, made from only a few sturdy pieces.
Woodturning: Turned earrings are a great gift idea – plus, you’ll learn to make your own tiny tools for teeny turnings.
Tool Tutorial: Find out all the tasks the versatile router can tackle, the 10 basic bits you need, and the advantages of various sizes and configurations.
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Reader Dan Martin’s Shop-made Blade Guard/Hold-down
Reader Dan Martin made his own table saw blade guard for a Powermatic 66 saw. The guard includes a dust collection system and doubles as a great hold-down as well. See it in action in this reader submitted video.
Saw Guard Safety
In response to a question from the print Woodworker’s Journal, readers share whether they do or don’t use the guards on their table saw — and how their approach to safety is different now than it was “back then.”
Premium Plan: Arts and Crafts Limbert Desk
Complete instructions and plans to build an upsized version of a classic plan from an Arts and Crafts master.
How to Make Rip Cuts with a Jigsaw
The jigsaw is a tool most often used for making curving cuts, but you can also use a jigsaw to make rip cuts down the length of a board.
November/December 2018 – What’s in Store Round-up
Take a closer look at some of the cool new tools that were featured in the November/December 2018 issue of Woodworker’s Journal.
VIDEO: Cordless Compact Router Overview
Do you need a cordless router? Learn how to choose the best compact cordless router for your shop. Chris Marshall takes a closer look at cordless routers from Makita, Bosch, Ridgid, and Ryobi.
VIDEO: Routing Recesses with a Template Guide and Dish Carving Bit
In this video, you’ll learn how we created the recesses in a mancala game project using a dish carving router bit and templates.
VIDEO: Turning Earrings on a Lathe
Whether you have a big lathe or a small lathe, you have what it takes to turn a pair of earrings. Learn how to turn small pieces of wood into beautiful pieces of jewelry.
VIDEO: How to Make a Pizza Peel
In this woodworking project video we show you how to make a beautiful pizza peel. This is an easy woodworking project that you can complete in an afternoon.
VIDEO: Using Your Drill Press as a Sanding Machine
We show you a few sanding accessories that you can easily use with your drill press to sand different shapes and surfaces.