July/August 2015

July/August 2015
You’ll find projects for indoors and out in the July/August 2015 issue of Woodworker’s Journal, with a stylishly designed picnic table, easy portable benches, elegant nightstands, and shutters that let the outside light in. Plus learn all you need to know about modern screws, the updates in water-based finishes, how to use triangles to set up accurate angle cuts, and more.
Picnic Table: This outdoor dining option brings the flavor of the Mission furniture style to the outdoors.
Today’s Shop: Sandor Nagyszalanczy educates you in the best options – and the best choices – in modern screw technology, with the latest developments in heads, drives, points, threads, platings, coatings and more.
Greene & Greene-Inspired Nightstand: Chris Marshall continues a Greene and Greene bedroom set with a custom nightstand that incorporates vacuum bagging for the side panels’ special quartersawn veneer.
Easy-to-Build Benches: Adapt the basic structure of this bench to a size that fits your need: for adults or children, indoors or out.
Translucent-Screen Shutters: Millwork and modular construction make it easy to produce parts for this interior window covering.
Tool Preview: The Leigh RTJ400 Router Table Dovetail Jig produces up to a dozen dovetail and box joint sizes with quick setups, repeatability and minimal fuss.
More on the Web
Restoring Civil War Flag Frame
The Lowell Veterans Council has taken great care to preserve a civil war-era flag and restore the beautiful carved frame that went around it.
How to Cut Notches for a Mission-style Picnic Table
AJ Hamler demonstrates the technique he used to create a beautiful Mission-style picnic table using a circular saw and chisels.
VIDEO: Wood Screws 101
Sandor Nagyszalanczy offers a brief overview of the history, features and advantages of modern production screws.
Working with Flat Spots in Spindle Turning Projects
Sometimes you want to leave flat areas in your spindles while you’re turning them. In this video, Ernie Conover shares his tips for creating the transitions between flat and round sections.
Panel Veneering with a Simple Vacuum Bag
Woodworker’s Journal senior editor Chris Marshall uses a skateboard veneering technique to add an attractive surface to his Greene and Greene Nightstand.
A Closer Look at Leigh’s RTJ 400 Router Jig
Chris Marshall takes an extended look at a versatile dovetail jig that promises to help you make several dovetail and box joints quickly and repeatedly.
Router Jig for Cutting Dadoes in Small Parts
Larry Okrend shows you how to make a jig for cutting accurate dadoes in multiple small project parts. This jig makes it easy to create small lattice pieces.