January/February 2015

January/February 2015
Greene & Greene-Inspired Bed: Chris Marshall creates a master bedroom showpiece with cloud lifts, slatted construction and raised square pegs: style details inspired by Arts & Crafts icons.
Router Table Insert: Turn the extension wing of your table saw into a router table, with built-in dust collection.
Spice Rack: Templates create a stylish spice rack, which you can easily craft with basic tools in a small space.
Animated Penguin Toy: This penguin toy waddles as he moves, and his flippers “flip,” thanks to techniques like diagonally opposed wheels and a pivoting flipper arm.
Woodturning: Ernie Conover teaches you how to achieve multi-axis turnings, and use them as the basis for creating cabriole legs.
Readers’ Choice Awards: Woodworker’s Journal readers choose their favorites from the tools of 2014.
Jigs & Fixtures: Make accurate circle shapes with a jigsaw or router when you use this basic jig, created by Sandor Nagyszalanczy.
More on the Web
Making Templates for a Greene and Greene Bed Project
Chris Marshall shows you how to make the templates for his Greene & Green bed project. This project was featured in the Jan/Feb 2015 issue of Woodworker’s Journal Magazine.
Power Sanding Tip – How Fast Should You Move the Sander?
How fast should you move your power sander across the wood surface? Sanding too quickly can create little curly scratches, also known as pigtails.
Using a Circle Cutting Jig
Sandor Nagyszalanczy demonstrates how to set up and use his circle cutting jig with a band saw or jigsaw.
Designing a Homemade Spice Rack
Kimberly McNeelan explains the process she used to design her unique wall-mounted spice rack and offers some tips for incorporating your own design elements.
A Look at the Four-Jaw Scroll Chuck from Easy Wood Tools
Ernie Conover has spent some time lately testing Easy Wood Tools’ 4-Jaw Chuck. He shares some of his thoughts on the features of the chuck and how he’s put it to work in his woodturning.
Making Wood Pull Toys with David Wakefield
Toy designer David Wakefield describes the thought and design process that he uses in designing his articulated wood toys.
Turning a Cabriole Leg
Ernie Conover demonstrates his technique for marking a piece for multi-access turning and creating a cabriole leg for Queen Anne furniture.