Last week, Chris informed you about SawStop’s intent to eventually release an injury mitigation technology patent to the public. Several of you have left us comments. – Editor
“This new regulation is being pushed by SawStop as their patent on their technology expires in nine years, and they want to cash in on it prior to their patent expiring. They quashed Bosch when they came out with a similar type of technology, and they will go after anyone else who may develop a similar technology. They are just looking to cash in on this government overreach, which they are pushing. This will put the price of table saws and contractor saws out of reach for the average hobby woodworker and construction workers. A SawStop 10” contractors table saw is $2,257, the Jobsite table saw is $1,600. You can get a Bosch Jobsite saw for around $600 or a SKIL worm drive for about the same price, the DeWALT saws run a little less. You can bet SawStop will not give this technology out to help woodworkers, they will instead charge a pretty penny for it. So they are NOT pushing these CPSC rules out of the goodness of their hearts, they want to cash in before their patent runs out. I agree with you that anything that can improve safety for a tool that can be dangerous, but when only one company has the technology and they are pushing for regulations that would only benefit them monetarily, it’s not right. I can only hope that the other tool manufacturers get off their combined backsides and start working together to develop an alternative safety device to prevent this money grab by SawStop.” – James Wirtz
“It wasn’t too many years ago, SawStop and another company were in a heated courtroom battle about patent rights for the SawStop abilities. I don’t have a clue on the particulars other than SawStop won and the other company had to discontinue making their model. That being said, a couple of months ago it was time to retire my Craftsman saw — it was making too many noises. The arbor was shot and I had it rebuilt and couldn’t get it to stop making noise when on. I decided to pull the trigger on a SawStop. It truly is an investment for the future. Twenty-five plus years ago I did put my thumb into a blade. Thank God it wasn’t bad. I figured the difference in price would be made up with one trip to the ER for stitches. It truly is a nice saw besides that, and I look forward to many years of safe sawing.” – Lorne Sievers
“Does this mean we might see the excellent Bosch Reaxx safety accessory come back for sale?” – John Matthews