Issue 583

Issue 583

Little Lending Library

Next up on my building schedule is a small lending library — one of the little free libraries you see dotting the curbsides around town. At least around here there are a bunch of them where you can borrow a book or donate a book to the bunch.

The reason this is on my docket is that one of our grandchildren is set on making one. He asked his grandmother if I could help him, and she of course said yes. Not that I mind; I think it will be fun and a great way to spend a Saturday.

As a matter of fact, Woodworker’s Journal has a new plan for a lending library in our August issue that goes on sale in just a few days. It is a very cool design, and while it is well within the skill level of most woodworkers, I think I may come up with a simpler plan for the 4-year-old and me. Time to get into the shop!

Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal

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