Issue 555
Issue 555
No One Will See It
It’s such a common response from woodworkers that it might even be universal: You have just given someone a shop-made gift, or are showing off the latest piece of furniture that you worked on for weeks. They are properly impressed with your work and say something nice about your efforts. What do you do? Immediately point out your woodworking errors — regardless of how microscopic or unimportant.
As I stated, this is so common that I am no longer surprised when I see it happen … but let me tell you a secret. Whatever blemish you somehow created in your work — that you see from across the room as if a spotlight were illuminating it to the whole world — others will never see it. Sometimes, even after you point it out, folks will still not see it (nodding politely as to not seem dumb).
So, here is some advice that you did not ask for: keep your mouth closed, zip your lips, say nothing, mum’s the word, keep your pie hole closed. I think you get the idea.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal
Industry Interviews
Make a Holiday Gift at Rockler
Handmade gifts are best. Give something you’ve crafted yourself this holiday season — classes at Rockler stores this Saturday, Dec. 1, can help!
What's In Store
Larger ProLift Router Lift
Larger version of Rockler’s award-winning router lift is now available for Kreg, JessEm, Woodpeckers and Peachtree router tables.
Tricks of the Trade
Making a Sturdier Shop Vacuum System
Tired of dragging around (and tipping) both his shop vac and Dust Deputy, this reader built a cart to keep his vacuum system together.
Keeping Arbor Nuts At-the-ready
This reader came up with a handy way to keep track of his arbor nuts between blade swaps on his table saw.
More on the Web
VIDEO: Cordless Compact Router Overview
Do you need a cordless router? Learn how to choose the best compact cordless router for your shop. Chris Marshall takes a closer look at cordless routers from Makita, Bosch, Ridgid, and Ryobi.